Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Bath Time

Bath time is Splash Time! At least for most children. Most babies and toddlers enjoy getting wet and splashing around in the bath tub while others may not. Being prepared to make your child's experience a safe one is really important.

Here are 3 Bath Time tips:

1. Turn up the heat. Make sure the bathroom is a nice temperature (preferably 70-75 degrees.) We all know how uncomfortable it is for us to get out of the shower and its cold. We're used to it, but babies on the other hand are not.

You can also take a nice shower right before you give your baby a bath so the bathroom is nice and warm.

2. Make sure you have everything in the bathroom that you need prior to bath time. Keep them within reach so you can give baby all the attention and care that is needed.

It is not safe to leave any child in the bathroom unattended until they reach a responsible age and can bathe themselves.

Making a bath time cubbie with all of your baby bath items is also helpful. That way all of the appropriate supplies are on hand.

3. Be sure to test the temperature of the bath water. Some baby bath tubs come equipped with a thermometer (or a color indicator) that lets you know if the water is too warm.

Also as a rule of thumb, put the cool water in first then add the hot water. Starting with hot water first can cause your tub can retain the heat and can burn your baby.

For the babies and toddlers that seem to have a hard time, you may want to provide them with something special that gives them incentive to get ready for bath time. A baby/toddler robe with their name on it or even a personalized hooded towel or tubbie towel may help with what seems to be a task for some toddlers. They are also fun gifts to give for a baby shower or a first birthday gift.

We love our babies
Every tiny inch
The miracles that they are
They grow so fast
Time seems to disappear
While we bathe their bottoms.